How to Loose Excess Belly Fat

Your health risks can be decreased by losing belly fat. You might be able to shed roughly 1 pound of fat every week on a low-calorie diet. Increasing your workout routine will boost your metabolism and tone your abdomen.

It’s okay to have some body fat, but there are many reasons why you would want to eliminate additional weight from the area around your stomach.

According to our research in many people, 90 percent of body fat is located just below the skin. It’s called subcutaneous fat.

Visceral fat is the remaining 10%. It resides in the crevices around organs and beneath the abdominal wall. That fat is linked to a number of health issues, including:

  • Heart Disease
  • Cancer
  • Type 2 Diabetes

There is no quick or simple way to lose belly fat, regardless of what your goal is. Supplements and crash diets won’t work. Additionally, it is unlikely to be successful to try to lose fat around your belly only.

Working to reduce your overall body fat through diet and exercise is your best bet. There’s a significant likelihood that part of the weight you start losing will come from your stomach.

Everyone has a different idea of how long that takes. Continue reading to find out how to get started and how long it typically takes to reduce extra belly fat.

How long does it take to cut down excess fat?

A pound of weight loss requires 3,500 calories to be expended. This is due to the fact that 3,500 calories represent approximately 1 pound of fat.

500 calories need to be cut out of your diet each day in order to lose 1 pound every week. You might lose around 4 pounds at that rate in a month.

You will burn more calories if you become more active. As you exercise, you gain muscular mass. Even if you appear to be thinner on the outside and feel lighter within, muscle weighs more than fat.

Everyone is unique. The amount of exercise needed to burn a calorie depends on numerous factors.

The more calories you burn while doing something, the bigger you are. Males burn more calories because they have higher muscle mass than females of the same size.

How to reduce calorie intake

Calories are measurements of the energy in food. You burn more calories when you exert more energy. Fat is a form of fat storage. By consuming fewer calories and exerting more energy, you can burn fat deposits.

Here are some calorie-cutting strategies you may use right away:

  • Reduce alcohol intake to the bare minimum
  • Drink more water instead of soft drinks like Coke, Fanta, Sprite, etc.
  • Drink black coffee without adding cream and plenty of sugar
  • Avoid fast and processed foods
  • Eat plenty of fruits
  • Stay away from fried foods, eat broiled foods instead
  • Avoid high-fat foods and choose low-dairy foods instead
  • Many restaurants in Nigeria don’t have calorie count on their menu but if you happen to have your meal in a restaurant that has one, please check the calorie count on the food you are ordering for.
  • Use a calory counting app
  • Cut down on oil intake
  • Use smaller plates to serve your portion of food so you don’t eat much

Think about food density as well. For instance, a cup of grapes contains approximately 100 calories, whereas a cup of raisins contains approximately 480 calories. Fresh fruits and vegetables are high in fiber and water, which will help you feel satisfied without consuming many calories.

You’ll need a lot of protein if you want to keep your lean muscle mass.

A meta-analysis of 20 randomized control trials on diet and weight loss was carried out in 2016 by academics. They found that compared to diets with normal protein intakes, adults over the age of 50 shed more fat and maintained more lean mass on energy-restricted, higher-protein diets.

Consider using these calorie burners in addition to your usual exercise routine:

  • If you own a car, pack it somewhere a bit far away from where you are so you can trek back to pick it up.
  • Try walking long distances daily.
  • Take a walk after each meal.
  • Use the staircase instead of the elevator.
  • If working in an office, try to get up from your desk every hour to take a walk and stretch a little.

Numerous enjoyable hobbies, including hiking, dancing, and even golfing, help you lose weight. For instance, a 125-pound person can burn 135 calories and a 185-pound person can burn 200 calories in 30 minutes of ordinary farming.

You burn more calories when you exercise more. And the greater your chances of losing some abdominal fat.


How to know if these tips are actually working for you

To keep track of your overall weight loss, weigh yourself once a week at the same time. You’re likely gaining muscle if you consume a lot of protein and exercise frequently. But keep in mind that the scale doesn’t provide the full picture.

Use a tape measure to determine whether you are genuinely shedding abdominal fat. Measure in the same spot every time. Without sucking in your stomach, maintain a straight posture. Avoid pulling the tape so tight that it pinches the skin. Measure at the level of your belly button.

Your clothes fitting better and you’re beginning to feel better are two further obvious signs.


Types of Exercises to consider if you want to lose belly fat

High-intensity intermittent exercise may be more efficient than other forms of exercise for reducing subcutaneous and abdominal body fat, according to research published in the Journal of Obesity.

Although abdominal exercises may not have an impact on visceral fat, they can strengthen your muscles, which is a healthy thing.

It’s crucial to stay active and schedule exercise in your day. You are not required to focus exclusively on one item. So that you don’t grow bored, vary it. Try:

  • strengthening exercises to increase muscle mass
  • On most days, do 30 minutes of moderately intense exercise
  • Stretching at night and first thing in the morning
  • Twice a week of aerobic exercise



Trying to reduce belly fat may not be the best plan. To lose weight and maintain it over some months or years ahead, you have to make some crucial changes you can stick with over a long period of time. If it feels overwhelming start small and add the other tips when you are ready.

If you can’t keep up, it’s not the end of the world, just make sure you follow most of the tips we shared. Soon you’ll start seeing visible results. Rome they say was not built in a day.


  • An avid health professional with more than three decades of experience. I love writing and shedding light with my discipline which enables everyone I influence leave a more better and healthier lifestyle. 😊

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